A blog all about cinematography in the sky
All Those Times Leonardo Di Caprio Should Have Won An Oscar

Remember in Django when Leo dramatically broke a glass in the heat of the moment his acting was so good? The Academy Awards probably don't. Although the movie got mixed reviews (it's hard to adapt a drawn out 1920's novel held as a prized piece of literature without disappointing anyone, let's face it), somehow the characters resonate - Leo with never getting his movie acting award and Gatsby never getting the girl of his dreams.
Whether you agree with the artistic adaptation, there's no denying the cinematography and sound track is beautiful. What about his performance in Inception? WARNING: Next video contains SPOILERS. (Though there's so much going on in this movie it may not help you out much in understanding it anyway.)
But enough about the under appreciated actors and movie scenes we all know and love.

Movie Visual Effects That Took Our Breath Away
We agree with Matrix, 300, Terminator and Tron 1000%. Tron's visuals definitely took on a whole new look different from many movies with stunning light contrasts. Avatar's concept wasn't new by any stretch of the imagination, but no one can deny the animation introduced a new world...of aboriginal blue people. (Definitely gotten its share of love in its time, though). So who do you think should be featured and is under appreciated in cinematography? 

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